Friday, September 01, 2006

The Web Content (not so?) Accessible Guidelines 2.0

You wait 5 years for them to come along, and the WCAG, guidelines on making your Web site accessible, aren't that accessible themselves, at least in terms of language!

As pointed out by Trenton Moss of Webcredible:

"Another major criticism of the WCAG 1.0 guidelines was how difficult it is to find specific guidance and answers. It doesn't take too long to discover that the WCAG 2.0 guidelines quite clearly offer the same low level of usability.

Reasons for this poor usability include:

  • The level of jargon and complexity of language is truly phenomenal (as outlined above)
  • The text is littered with links making it very difficult to read"
And my favourite bit of Trenton's article:

"Ironically, there's even a definition provided for the word 'jargon'!"

The full article is linked in the post title above.

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